I’m Joanna.


I’m Joanna. Creative Over-Thinker, Recovering Perfectionist, Infertility Warrior, & Your New Bestie.

Welcome to my blog! I hope you find some sunshine no matter the season.

He Makes All Things New

He Makes All Things New

New year. New word. 


My word for 2021 is NEW.

“Remember not the former things,  nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” — Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV) 

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” — Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)

These verses along with the phrase “new and improved” have been wandering across my mind for the last few months as I’ve been contemplating and praying over all that 2021 might have in store. I’ve always loved the clean slate feeling of a brand new year beginning or that exciting back to school vibe. This year is a little different. After all the turmoil of 2020, the calendar shifting from December 31st to January 1st couldn’t sweep away all that is still happening. And that’s okay. It’s okay (and maybe better) that this wasn’t a new year filled with goals and plans and resolutions. Things are still moving at a slower pace with uncertainty preventing even the most Type A of us (😉) from making solid plans. Truthfully, it’s been a good reminder that while the new year can bring that fresh start feeling, it really is just another day. And I don’t mean that in a depressing way. I mean that maybe we can find newness at any time on any “ just another day.” It doesn’t have to be a Monday, the start of a new month, or the beginning of another year. God can make a way in the wilderness on a Tuesday in March! His mercies were new today and they will be tomorrow too.

New is so much bigger than a simple shift at the stroke of midnight. I believe that 2020, with all of its challenges, has paved the way for new. Something more and something better. We aren’t going back to normal. We are stepping forward into new, and I truly believe improved as well.

Personally, 2021 is going to be full of new for me. We just moved (again!) and are getting settled into a new place. Work will probably feel extremely new with lots of new protocols whenever we are called back. I get to watch my husband be a new dad! I’m going to be a new mom! We are going to have a brand new baby! The newness of that feels exactly like rivers in the desert to me. God really does make all things new. And I am so excited to see all the newness He provides. I wait expectantly because I know His faithfulness is great.

A Very Rory Birth Story

A Very Rory Birth Story

Unexpectedly Expecting

Unexpectedly Expecting